title slide with images of students working together on different activities

7 Fun Ideas of Science Activities to do During Testing Week

It’s time to think about the different science activities to do during testing week or month!  The kids are so focused on doing well on their tests and most are staring at a computer screen for hours each day.  They will be craving social time. I believe our Science class is in the best position…

science stations in the classroom with picture of a vocabulary station

How Do You Manage and Use Science Stations in the Classroom Effectively?

Using science stations in the classroom creates opportunities for students to practice material you have taught.  It also gives you freedom to monitor their learning and work with small groups of students.  So how do you use science stations in the classroom effectively?   In This Post I will go over the benefits of science stations…

How Do I Effectively Use Time Management in Teaching Science Lessons? Time Management in Teaching Series Part 3

How do I Effectively Use Time Management in Teaching Science Lessons?

Time Management in Teaching Series Part 3 There was a time that I questioned my ability of time management in teaching.  You’re teaching your lesson, and the kids are engaged, but all of a sudden, the bell rings!  Class is over?!  Kids are racing to clean up and pack up so they’re not late for…