Title image 5 Low-Prep and Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities featuring a picture of a teenage girl thinking with a brain drawing in the background
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5 Low-Prep and Quick Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities

One way to get class started on the right foot is by giving your students science warm up activities.   Not only does it free you to answer questions, collect papers, or take attendance, but more importantly, it gives students the review or curiosity their brains need.  So let’s talk more about science warm up…

title with image of students walking into the classroom and going to their desks.

How to Have a Successful Beginning of Class Each Day

The bell is about to ring and it’s almost the beginning of class.  Your students are walking to your classroom.  Do they know what to do when they get there?  This is the first step in our routines for classroom management in the Science class series.  How do we set up the beginning of class…