The Science Teacher List of Free Resources for Teachers
When you are planning your science unit, are you wondering where the free resources for teachers are online? You’re in the right place! If your district or school supplies you with a curriculum, then you’re off to a good start. But, what about supplemental resources? Or what if you don’t have an adopted curriculum? What do you do? Use this list of free resources for teachers to help you get started!
In this post
I will share a list of resources I have used to help me with planning. There are reading resources with textbooks. I list some websites with simulations and games. Current events in Science are great to keep up with, so I have some science websites with news articles. I suggest some of my favorite science channels for videos. And a list of other resources. This list is just a small start, because I don’t want to overwhelm you with all the free resources for teachers!
Before you start planning, be sure to grab your free guide- Plan Your Science Unit in LESS Time with 3 Simple Steps!

Reading passages
Our district uses SAVVAS, so I have a textbook. But, sometimes I need a reading passage for a station. If you don’t have a curriculum or are looking for reading opportunities for your students, this is a great start. Here are my go-to reading websites.
ReadWorks – Create a free account to get reading passages. These are helpful when you need to differentiate or when using a Reading station.
CK-12 Foundation FlexBooks – Free online textbooks for Earth, Life, and Physical Sciences. Explore their website for more resources.
NGS Magnified – Free online textbooks for Earth, Life, and Physical Sciences.
Do you like to make puzzles for your students? Or maybe you have them create a puzzle as part of a choice board or assignment. These are two websites that are great for making puzzles and printing them for free!
Super Teacher Worksheets Scroll down to Worksheet Generator and click on “More Generator Tools”. That’s where you’ll find puzzle generators.
Review games are fun and the kids love it! I use Gimkit and Blooket most often. I will create flashcards in Quizlet too, because I am able to export it to Gimkit or Blooket. That makes it easier to create my questions.
Gimkit – They have a free version with limited games
Blooket – Similar to Gimkit. They also have a free version.
Quizlet – Vocabulary review for students
Simulations are really helpful to show students how something works, especially with Physics and Chemistry. Here are two websites that you might like to use in your classroom!
Science News Websites
These are some science websites with news articles. You can use these with a “Science in the News” assignment. Or you might want to try discussing an article a day or week with the class.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Science Videos
Here are my favorite videos/channels for Science. I will show a video during a lesson or as a review. Be sure to preview videos before showing them to your students.
Scholastic Study Jams These are short animated videos that are great for a quick intro, review, or to view in a station.
MooMooMath and Science This is one of my favorite YouTube channels for all Science topics.
TED-Ed This is another one of my favorite YouTube channels. There are many topics here for all of our Science concepts.
Crash Course This is a very informative YouTube channel. Some videos are great for middle schoolers, while others are more for high schoolers. So, preview before showing your students.
NOAA SciJinks I use this channel during my weather and climate unit. I love their videos!
Amoeba Sisters This is a great one for Biology!
Other Science Resources
These are other resources that can help you when you are planning your science units.
PBS Learning Media This link takes you to AZ’s PBS channel because I’m in Arizona. But you should be able to change it. If not, find your state’s PBS Learning Media site for some great teacher resources!
Open Science Ed- Middle School This is a free curriculum using phenomena-based instruction. I look at it for ideas when I am planning my science units. Some teachers use this as their curriculum and are pleased with it (after learning how to use it effectively).
The Wonder of Science This is a helpful resource when planning your science units or learning about the NGSS standards, SEPs, and CCCs. There is a lot of information about the NGSS standards, phenomena, and some science lessons or activities.
Wrap Up
I shared some of my favorite free resources for teachers. These are websites I have used to either help me plan my science units or as activities with my students. This is just a small list, but comprehensive enough to get you started.

Your Turn
What are some of your favorite free resources? Reply and let me know!

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How to Save Time Planning Your Engaging Science Lesson Plans
How Do I Make Lesson Planning for Science Simple and Focused?
Resources For You
Free Guide- Plan Your Science Unit in LESS Time with 3 Simple Steps