title slide with images of students working together on different activities

7 Fun Ideas of Science Activities to do During Testing Week

It’s time to think about the different science activities to do during testing week or month!  The kids are so focused on doing well on their tests and most are staring at a computer screen for hours each day.  They will be craving social time. I believe our Science class is in the best position…

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5 Independent Work Ideas and the Routines Students Need to Know

Let’s take a closer look at different independent work ideas and the routines that students need to know and follow.  This will help us as teachers be more intentional with the independent work we give our students.  This is the fourth blog post in the Routines for Classroom Management in the Science Class Series.   In…

title image with student working: 3 Ways to Take Notes in Class that Keep Students Engaged
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3 Ways to Take Notes in Class that Keep Students Engaged

There are many ways to take notes in class so our note-taking days do not have to be sit-and-get.  This is the third blog post in the Routines for Classroom Management in the Science Class Series.    In the first two blog posts in this series, I shared an overview of routines and the beginning of…

Title image 5 Low-Prep and Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities featuring a picture of a teenage girl thinking with a brain drawing in the background
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5 Low-Prep and Quick Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities

One way to get class started on the right foot is by giving your students science warm up activities.   Not only does it free you to answer questions, collect papers, or take attendance, but more importantly, it gives students the review or curiosity their brains need.  So let’s talk more about science warm up…

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4 Steps for Beginning Year Success: Science Back to School

This is one of my favorite times of year- back to school- so I want to share some beginning year tips to get the year started right!  I love the fresh start.  New groups of kids.  Planning those engaging lessons.  All of it!  So, let’s forget the overwhelm of the start of the year and…

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What Are Some Movement in the Classroom Benefits?

Movement in the classroom benefits students and teachers!  As Science teachers, we need to make sure our students move throughout our class period.  Let’s explore how it benefits the brain and learning. You’ll also see how simple it is to incorporate movement into your day! In this post I will talk about why most classrooms…

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4 Team Building Activities in a Classroom & Their Importance

During school, it is important to incorporate team building activities in a classroom.  That goes for Science too, especially because most of what we do requires collaboration.  Team building is one of the biggest parts of community building.  Let’s explore why it’s important and what team building activities in a classroom are useful. In this…

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3 Engaging and Effective Ways to Review Science Classroom Procedures

When and how do you review science classroom procedures?  You’ve taught them at the beginning of the year, so that’s good enough right?   No!  Procedures, routines, expectations- they all need to be reviewed throughout the year.  Reteach them when students need correction.  Review them after each long break from school.  And be sure to review…

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3 Quick Tips on How to Get Students to Talk in Class and Increase Participation

Do you wonder how to get students to talk in class?  Do you want more of your students to participate in class?  Yes, having a quiet class is a nice change to the talkative classes.  But how do you know if your students are learning or engaged mentally? In those quiet, seemingly unresponsive classes, there…

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How Do I Use Choice Boards in the Classroom So They Are Effective?

One way to offer students choice is by using choice boards in the classroom.  Choice boards can be used with any Science unit, and for any group of students.  When you offer activities based on student interest and the different intelligences, your students will be more motivated and may learn the material better than if…

Title: I Need Help Managing a Talkative Classroom! What Should I Do?
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I Need Help Managing a Talkative Classroom! What Should I Do?

Managing a talkative classroom can feel exhausting, but there are some things you can do to make your life easier…and make sure your students are engaged and learning.  We all have those classes- they seem to talk nonstop.  They might talk during instruction, they talk when you pause to breathe, it’s the last class period…

5 Engaging and Simple Ways to Practice Vocabulary About Science- image of Science interactive notebook
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5 Engaging and Simple Ways to Practice Vocabulary About Science

As educators, we know how important it is for our students to learn and use vocabulary about Science. When students learn and practice new vocabulary words, it helps them in all areas in school, and in their lives.   In This Post We will go over a few vocabulary teaching strategies to use during your Science…

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What are Some Science Activities to Use During Elaborate 5E?

What are some science activities you can assign that are meaningful, engaging, and grow students’ brains?  This is what Elaborate is all about!  It’s time to have students practice and expand on what you taught them in Explain. In This Post We will discuss what Elaborate is in a 5E unit.  I will share different…

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3 Must-Haves for a Successful Explain 5E Model

We’ve engaged and explored, now it’s time to Explain 5E Model.  This is your time to shine and project your best teaching practices with direct instruction.  So, what are the components to successfully implement the Explain step? In This Post Explain is the guided instruction piece of the 5E Model.  We will look at what…

5E Explore: 4 Types of Fun Activities and Science Experiments for Middle Schoolers
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5E Explore: 4 Types of Fun Activities and Science Experiments for Middle Schoolers

Now that you’ve done your hook in the Engage step in your 5E Model lesson, the next step is super fun because this is where you get to plan science experiments for middle schoolers!  This is the Explore step.  Kids will do some engaging activities to explore the content you will be teaching. In This…

Title: What are Quick and Easy Lesson Plan Hook Ideas for Science?
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What are Quick and Easy Lesson Plan Hook Ideas for Science?

What do you think about lesson plan hook ideas?   Let’s try this activity.  Look at this image of two separate classrooms.  What do you observe?  One classroom is full of students who are bored, not engaged.  The other classroom has students participating and asking questions.   Why is this?  Quite possibly, the teacher in the…

Title How Do I Make Lesson Planning of Science Simple and Focused? Image of desk with books, glasses, and a chalkvboard

How Do I Make Lesson Planning of Science Simple and Focused?

Why is lesson planning of science such an important thing to do?  Think back to your college days. Some of you may have just graduated and others, like me, feel like college was in another lifetime.  But I bet you can remember writing those detailed lesson plans for your education classes.    Some school districts…

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3 Simple Ways to Incorporate the Use of Games in the Classroom

School is supposed to be about learning, so why the use of games in the classroom?  Have you ever heard someone ask this or wondered this yourself?  Kids (and adults) LOVE games!  Kids play games at recess, they play games at home, they may even play sports!  So how do you incorporate the use of…

Title: 5 Engaging and Easy Tips on How to Use Task Cards

5 Engaging and Easy Tips on How to Use Task Cards

I’ve thought about how to use task cards in my classroom so that it is engaging and meaningful for my students.  I enjoy using task cards in the classroom because it’s a way to chunk information, and they are getting deliberate practice and review of information they were taught.  In This Post I will share…

3 Important Steps to Engage Students in Lessons
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3 Important Steps to Engage Students in Lessons

Have you ever found some of your students off task during your amazing science lessons, and wondered, “How can I engage students in my lessons?”  Well, you are not alone!  There are some students who just LOVE Science and will be glued to everything you say.  But then there are others who are disengaged and…