image of a teacher searching on Google; title image

The Science Teacher List of Free Resources for Teachers

When you are planning your science unit, are you wondering where the free resources for teachers are online?  You’re in the right place!  If your district or school supplies you with a curriculum, then you’re off to a good start.  But, what about supplemental resources?  Or what if you don’t have an adopted curriculum?  What…

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How to Save Time Planning your Engaging Science Lesson Plans

Do you strive to plan engaging science lesson plans, but feel like there’s little time to do this? Are you overwhelmed with all the things you have to do?  I know exactly how that feels. So how do we find time to accomplish this?  That’s what we will talk about today!  All about planning your…

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Smooth and Effective End of Day Routine for the Science Classroom

You’ve taught all class period and it’s time for the end of day routine (for that class period)!  Some days feel so hectic and rushed when packing up and cleaning up.  Yet there are some that run a lot smoother.  How do we make sure our end of day routine is a smooth and effective…

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5 Areas to Ensure Science Projects Best Practices in the Classroom

How do we make sure we are using science projects best practice when our students are working?  How do we plan and prepare for science projects?  And how do we manage those days when science projects are all over the classroom?   In the first two blog posts in this series, I shared an overview of…

Title with image of students in a lab 3 Ways to Run Your Science Lab Day with Science Lab Safety in Mind
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3 Must-Dos to Run Your Science Lab Day with Science Lab Safety in Mind

Lab days are so much fun and they’re even better when students follow science lab safety! How do we make sure students are engaged and following those important science lab safety rules?   In the first two blog posts in this series, I shared an overview of routines and the beginning of class routines.  We are…

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5 Independent Work Ideas and the Routines Students Need to Know

Let’s take a closer look at different independent work ideas and the routines that students need to know and follow.  This will help us as teachers be more intentional with the independent work we give our students.  This is the fourth blog post in the Routines for Classroom Management in the Science Class Series.   In…

Title image 5 Low-Prep and Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities featuring a picture of a teenage girl thinking with a brain drawing in the background
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5 Low-Prep and Quick Brain-Activating Science Warm Up Activities

One way to get class started on the right foot is by giving your students science warm up activities.   Not only does it free you to answer questions, collect papers, or take attendance, but more importantly, it gives students the review or curiosity their brains need.  So let’s talk more about science warm up…

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4 Steps for Beginning Year Success: Science Back to School

This is one of my favorite times of year- back to school- so I want to share some beginning year tips to get the year started right!  I love the fresh start.  New groups of kids.  Planning those engaging lessons.  All of it!  So, let’s forget the overwhelm of the start of the year and…

title and image of teacher writing on the whiteboard. She is writing Classroom Routines. And entering the...
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What are the Important Routines for Classroom Management in the Science Class?

On any given day in Science class, you know that there are important routines for classroom management.  But what are they, and how do we teach and use them when we are doing different activities?   In this series, we will go over the different parts of our Science class (beginning, middle, and end) and…

Title for blog 3 Essential Components for Science Classroom Management plus Strategies

3 Essential Components for Science Classroom Management

Imagine walking into a middle school Science classroom and seeing students engaged in their learning. Establishing some key components for science classroom management will ensure a smooth school year. Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases with no cost to you. In This…